Browsing by Author Royal Military College of Canada

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-06-09ACTIVE VIBRATION CONTROL OF A ROTATING FLEXIBLE LINK USING FUZZY LOGICLebrun, Andrew; Royal Military College of Canada; Jnifene, Amor
2023-04-10ANOMALY DETECTION FOR THE MIL-STD-1553B MULTIPLEX DATA BUS USING AN LSTM AUTOENCODERHarlow, Alec; Royal Military College of Canada; Roberge, Vincent; Lachine, Brian
2021-01-01Application and Optimization of Leading Edge Tubercles on Rotor BladesColpitts, Robert Ryley; Royal Military College of Canada; Perez, Dr. Ruben E.
2024-07-30Aqueous Electron Initiated Destruction of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Aqueous Media by Ultraviolet-Light Activated Sulfite/Iodide SystemO'Connor, Natalia Maria; Royal Military College of Canada; Weber, Kela; Koch, Iris; Mumford, Kevin
2022-04-01ARGENTINE AIR SUPERIORITY OPERATIONS DURING THE FALKLANDS WAR The Failures of the Fuerza Aérea ArgentinaDi Blasi , Luciano; Royal Military College of Canada; Wakelam, Dr Randy
2024-06-03The ART of CityLearn: Observation Perturbation Attacks and Mitigation for Reinforcement Learning Agents in a Cyber Physical Power SystemBroda-Milian, Kiernan; Royal Military College of Canada; Dr Al-Mallah, Ranwa; Dr Dagdougui, Hanane
2023-09-05AUDITING FAILURE: The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, 2012-2021Sullivan, Patrick; Royal Military College of Canada; Denton, Peter; Hennessy, Michael
2024-04-03Automotive Aerodynamic Design Using Sensitivity-Based MethodsNayman, Maurice Noah; Royal Military College of Canada; Perez, Ruben E.
2022-10-03Autonomous construction of three-dimensional structures using self-actuated parts: A layered self-assembly approachCabral, Kleber; Royal Military College of Canada; Givigi, Sidney Jr; Jardine, Peter
2023-07-14Bayes-Adaptive Semi-Markov Decision Processes: A Pathway to Optimal Learning in Sequential Decision Making with Time under UncertaintyKohar, Richard; Royal Military College of Canada; Rivest, François; Gosselin, Alain
2024-03-11BEST-ESTIMATE PLUS UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS OF 37-ELEMENT CANDU FUEL RELIABILITYSong, Jason; Royal Military College of Canada; Chan, Paul K.; Bonin, Hugues; Pandey, Mahesh
2023-10-11CANADA’S ARCTIC: A policy analysis frameworkRoberts, Ellie; Royal Military College of Canada; Sokolsky, Joel
2024-04-19Characterization of Damage Edge Distance Effects on the Residual Strength of Metallic Honeycomb Sandwich Panels Subjected to Edge-wise CompressionWheeler, Patrick; Royal Military College of Canada; Wowk, Diane; Laliberté, Jeremy
2024-07-29Characterization of PFAS and Metal Nanomaterials as Emerging Contaminants Present in Commercial ProductsPatch, David; Royal Military College of Canada; Weber, Kela; Koch, Iris
2022-04-01CHOSEN, TAKEN, AND RETURNED: Korean “Comfort Women” and the Struggle against Japanese Colonial and Post-Colonial Legacies ALee, Kuhn-Mook; Royal Military College of Canada; Oliveira, Dr Vanessa Dos Santos
2020-01-01A Comparison of Lorentz Trajectories with the Guiding Center Approximation for High Energy ParticlesStaikos, Mathew; Royal Military College of Canada; Kabin, Konstantin
2023-05-05Competitive Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Cyber OperationsMcDonald, Garrett; Royal Military College of Canada; Al Mallah, Ranwa
2024-11-15DESIGN AND TESTING OF A MICRO HALL EFFECT THRUSTER PROTOTYPE FOR NANOSATELLITESChan-Ying, Felix; Royal Military College of Canada; Jugroot, Manish
2023-05-09Development of a Vectored Electrospray Thruster for NanosatellitesSavytskyy, Ivan; Royal Military College of Canada; Jugroot, Manish