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Showing results 146 to 165 of 273 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-04-12Marthe Richard adulée, Mata Hari démonisée. La représentation de deux espionnes de la Grande Guerre.Pelletier, Alexandre; Royal Military College of Canada; Doucet, Dr Marie-Michèle
2022-06-20Master of Applied Science in Computer EngineeringDrolet, Mathieu; Royal Military College of Canada; Roberge, Vincent
2018-10-31Maurice A Pope: A Study in Military LeadershipLeblanc, Claude; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Delaney, Douglas E.; Hillmer, Norman
2016-06-23Measurement and Computation of Losses from a Transonic Turbine Vane CascadeAndrews, Stephen Arthur; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Allan, William D. E.; Mahallati, Ali
2016-10-18Mediating gold nanoparticle growth in nanoreactorsShah, Vishva; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Malardier-Jugroot, Cecile; Jugroot, Manish
2014-05-14Merging of Octree Based 3D Occupancy Grid MapsJames, Jessup; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Givigi, Sidney; Beaulieu, Alain
2020-01-17Methane + Propane Mixed Gas Hydrate Studies Using the 3-in-1 TechniqueOvalle, Sebastian Camilo; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Beltran, Juan G.
2023-02-01A methodology for the design and development of an aerospace-specific data repository to support data-driven researchCui, Angelina; Roymal Military College of Canada; Marsden, Catharine
2022-07-21MIMO radar hardware acceleration with enhanced resolutionPitre, Eric; Royal Military College of Canada (Kingston); Roberge, Vincent; Bray, Joey; Hefnawi, Mostafa
2017-10-26Mitigation of End Flux Peaking in CANDU Fuel Bundles Using Neutron AbsorbersPierce, Dylan; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Chan, Paul; Shen, Wei
2023-05-05A Model for Predicting the Fatigue Life of Functionally Graded Additively Manufactured Metal ComponentsPantuso, Francis; Royal Military College of Canada; Wowk, Diane; DuQuesnay, David
2014-05-21Modeling Three-Dimensional Deformation Mechanisms in CANDU Reactor Fuel ElementsGamble, Kyle A. L.; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Chan, Paul K.; Williams, Anthony F.
2015-05-19Modelling of a Hybrid Electric Propulsion System for SpacecraftChristou, Alexander; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Jugroot, Manish
2017-02-02Modelling of Small-Unit Tactical Decision-Making in a Constructive SimulationMorrissey, Dean; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Beaulieu, Alain; Givigi, Sidney
2023-05-24Modelling Rotation Curves in Marginally Resolved Warped GalaxiesGasser, Alex; Royal Military College of Canada; Spekkens, Kristine
2014-05-27MODÉLISATION D'UN STRATIFIÉ MINCE CARBONE- EPOXY EN FLEXION 4-POINTThibaudeau, David; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Wowk, Diane; Marsden, Catharine
2014-06-12Multicolour Optical Photometry of Active Geostationary Satellites Using a Small Aperture TelescopeJolley, Andrew Robert; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Wade, Gregg
2016-06-15MULTICOLOUR PHOTOMETRIC MONITORING OF ACTIVE GEOSTATIONARY SATELLITES: INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF THE SPACE ENVIRONMENTShaw, Jason; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Bedard, Donald; Gregg, Wade
2016-06-06Multidisciplinary Analysis of Closed, Nonplanar Wing Configurations for Transport AircraftRoyal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Perez, Ruben E.
2016-06-15Multidisciplinary Analysis of Closed, Nonplanar Wing Configurations for Transport AircraftAndrews, Stephen Arthur; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Perez, Ruben E.