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Results 1-10 of 111 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-01-17IONOSPHERIC SOUNDING USING FARADAY ROTATION OF SIGNALS OF OPPORTUNITYCushley, Alex; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Noël, Jean-Marc
2020-04-27Résistance balistique de panneaux en béton fibré à ultra-haute performance aux projectiles antiblindagesTremblay, Jeremy; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Dagenais, Marc-André; Wight, Gordon
2020-03-30Analyse de la contribution à l’effort de guerre des Franco-Américains de Manchester (New Hampshire) lors de la Première Guerre mondialeCôté, Joël; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Lamarre, Jean
2020-03-11THE USE OF BURNABLE NEUTRON ABSORBERS TO MITIGATE THE EFFECTS OF COOLANT VOIDING ON CANDU 37-ELEMENT FUELCouture, Mark D.; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Chan, Paul K.; Bonin, Hugues W.
2020-03-11Cooperative Multi Model State Estimation and Control for Target Tracking UAVsWolfe, Sean; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Givigi, Sidney; Rabbath, Camille-Alain
2020-01-17Methane + Propane Mixed Gas Hydrate Studies Using the 3-in-1 TechniqueOvalle, Sebastian Camilo; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Beltran, Juan G.
2020-04-15FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF AN EMPTY 37-ELEMENT CANDU® FUEL BUNDLE TO STUDY THE EFFECTS OF PRESSURE TUBE CREEPLee, Andy (Kyuhwan); Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Chan, Paul; Wowk, Diane
2021-11-25Exogenous iron causes precipitation that precedes iron mediated cell death in yeastMiller, Kathryn; Royal Military College of Canada; Greenwood, Dr. Michael