Browsing by Author Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada

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Showing results 109 to 128 of 172 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-06-06Observation and Analysis of the Spin Period Variations of Inactive Box-wing Telecommunications Satellites in Geosynchronous OrbitEarl, Michael; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Wade, Gregg
2015-06-16OPTIMAL CONTROL USING KRONECKER-PRODUCT LYAPUNOV-FUNCTION BASED TECHNIQUE: APPLICATION TO A 2-DOF HELICOPTER MODEL SET-UPBen Abdelkader, Riadh; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Khayati, Karim
2014-10-06Optimal Trajectories for Autonomous Thermal SoaringConnerty, Thomas; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Perez, Ruben
2019-09-23Optimization and Experimental Characterization of Leading Edge Tubercles in Transonic FlowLevert-Beaulieu, Alexi; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Perez, Ruben; Asghar, Asad
2016-06-08OPTIMIZING PULSED EDDY CURRENT FOR INSPECTION OF SECOND LAYER WING STRUCTUREButt, Dennis; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Krause, Thomas; Underhill, Ross
2016-05-04Order from Chaos when Chaos is the Order: Revising Historical Narratives on Britain’s Second World War Yugoslav PolicyMurray, Chris; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Hennessy, Michael
2016-09-09ORIGIN AND FATE OF ARSENOBETAINE IN MUSHROOMSHenry, Jessica Lorraine; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Koch, Iris; Reimer, Kenneth; Scott, Jennifer
2019-05-01Path Planning Algorithm for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Parallel Implementation on a Graphics Processing UnitMufti, Shan; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Roberge, Vincent; Tarbouchi, Mohammed
2018-07-10PER- AND POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES IN THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVYHodgkins, Linda; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Weber, Kela
2014-11-18Performance Investigation of a Pilot-Scale Integrated Anaerobic Digestion-Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell System Calibrated to Experimental Stack DataWartman, Stephen Trevor; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Thurgood, Chris; Peppley, Brant A.
2017-06-06Performance of Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO with the Alamouti CodeAlouzi, Mohamed; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Francois, Chan
2017-06-06Photometric Analyses and Attitude Estimation of Inactive Box-Wing Geosynchronous SatellitesEarl, Michael; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Wade, Gregg; Kabin, Konstantin; Bédard, Donald; Somers, Philip
2015-01-05PHYTOEXTRACTION OF WEATHERED DDT-CONTAMINATED SOIL AT POINT PELEE NATIONAL PARK USING NATIVE AND NATURALIZED WEED SPECIESSurmita, Paul; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Prof. Barbara, Zeeb; Dr. Allison, Rutter
2019-05-08PHYTOREMEDIATION OF PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AND SALT IMPACTED SOIL BY RECRETOHALOPHYTES AND HALOCONDUCTIONMorris, Logan; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Barbara, Zeeb; Rutter, Allison
2015-10-19Position and Force Control of a Serial Arm RobotMooney, Lance; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Jnifene, Amor; Khayati, Karim
2018-11-21The Potential for Energy Extraction from FlutterGoyaniuk, Luba; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Poirel, Dominique; Benaissa, Azemi
2018-02-01Predicting the Effects of Dent Size on the Stress in Aluminum Honeycomb Aircraft Panels Subject to Low-Velocity Impact DamageBenotto, Joel; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Wowk, Diane; Marsden, Catharine
2018-03-14PROBABILITY OF DETECTION FOR PULSED EDDY CURRENT INSPECTION OF SECOND LAYER CRACKS IN AIRCRAFT LAP-JOINT STRUCTURESUemura, Cole Omega; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Krause, Thomas
2014-06-24Pulsed Eddy Current Inspection of Second Layer Wing StructureStott, Colette; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; Krause, Thomas; Underhill, Ross
2019-09-23REDESIGN AND EVALUATION OF A COMBUSTION CHAMBER FOR A TURBOSHAFT ENGINEKaatz, Curtis; Royal Military College of Canada / Collège militaire royal du Canada; LaViolette, Marc